Financing Your Wedding


Even the most basic wedding is a significant expense. By the time you have paid the fees for the venue, the registrar, the outfits and photography the costs will be mounting and even a simple meal for a limited number of guests will leave you with a big bill. Many couples wanting to marry will also be financing a new home and so a wedding can be a real struggle. You may be lucky enough to have parents who will help you out but if you don’t then some serious planning is in order! Continue reading

Brides Are Getting Bigger


There is a growing obesity epidemic in the developed world and as the general population grows ever larger so do brides! I run a bridal shop and the issue of weight is becoming bigger by the day if you will pardon the pun. Whilst brides are clearly growing, few seem to realise how big they actually are and that is where my problems start. Continue reading

Do You Need Flowers for Your Wedding?

Flowers are a significant feature of many weddings. The bride and her attendants usually carry flowers and the table centre pieces are often floral arrangements but what if your budget is stretched or you are looking to do something different? Is it possible to organise your entire wedding without including any flowers at all? Actually it is! There should be no rules when it comes to your wedding. If you don’t want flowers or you are struggling to afford them then do something different and make your wedding stand out from the crowd. Continue reading

How to Dress for a Winter Wedding

Holy Trinty Church Loddon

Many couples opt for a winter wedding and this is often because the costs for venues and suppliers can be much lower away from the peak period of the summer months. Couples are also less likely to find that their intended guests are on holiday on their big day. Winter weddings are often beautiful but the weather can be a big issue. The winter months could throw up everything from a bright sunny day to a blizzard but the one thing you can be sure of is that it won’t be warm. Continue reading

Who Really Designs Wedding Dresses?

I have been working in the bridal industry for over 8 years and I still can’t give you a definitive answer to that question! You would think that if a collection has someone’s name on it that they did indeed design it but the truth is that with many collections the name on the label is just a brand and no such person actually exists. Even when the name is a genuine designer I doubt if they are responsible for the entire collection. Continue reading

Creatures of Habit

I have always been fascinated by the fact that people always seem to want to shop for certain things at the same time. There isn’t always an obvious reason why this should be and I would love to get to the bottom of the mystery particularly when it comes to brides. I run a bridal shop and as weddings take place throughout the year and dresses take different lengths of time to order you would think that the business would not be seasonal but it is. Continue reading

Honeymoon Trends


There was a time when it was accepted that couples would marry and then by the next day would be off on their honeymoon. Those with generous budgets would take off to exotic beaches or traditionally romantic destinations like Paris and those with more limited funds would find a suitable destination in the UK. Times have changed and now almost anything goes when it comes to the honeymoon. Continue reading

The Wieliczka Salt Mines

As wedding venues go it doesn’t get more unusual than the Wieliczka Salt Mines in Poland. It doesn’t get much more atmospheric either and there can’t be many places of such historic significance where you can hold both your ceremony and your reception. If the thought of marrying underground does not appeal then read on because you might change your mind. Continue reading